Vintage Bicycle Identification Wiki?

I’ve had the thought of creating a website that helps the vintage bicycle community in some way.  Some ideas have come and gone as I decide them too much of an undertaking, or not worthy of working on just yet.

But I think I’ve come upon an idea that might just be worth while.  An identification website that would allow people to identify different vintage bicycle parts, and eventually expand it into frames as well.  I haven’t started programming on the site yet, and will probably be some time before I do as I’m still in the prelimary design stage right now.  Hopefully it will be a site that the community will not only be interested in helping build, but also use. 

2 Responses to Vintage Bicycle Identification Wiki?

  1. Summer says:

    I NEED IT! And a “how to” guide on (vintage)restoration, resource, and repair would be my “captain save-a-hoe” right about now…

  2. Roger Fraile says:

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